703-420-8925 fax
703-647-0672 cell phone

10400 Eaton Pl
Fairfax VA, 22030

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My name is Luis Carlos Melgar. I am a current resident of Centreville, VA. I am originally from Santa Cruz, Bolivia and have lived in the US since 2000, and in Virginia since 2006. I’ve been a licensed Virginia Realtor since August 2018 and with ReSmart since March 2019. Prior to that, I worked in the food service industry for 18 years. 


My goal as a Realtor is to give my clients the best home-buying experience possible. As a recent homeowner myself, I understand how overwhelming home-buying and selling can be and strive to make the home-buying and selling process as stress-free as possible, no matter your circumstances. I’m fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, licensed in Virginia, and ready to assist you with all your real estate needs.